Jusanek Rules

Currently valid rules: Registered with the Finnish Patent and Registration Office on 17 January 2022

1 § The name of the Association is Julkisen sanan neuvoston kannatusyhdistys ry (Council for Mass Media Support Association) and its domicile is the City of Helsinki.

2 § The purpose of the Association is to provide ideological and financial support for the operations of the Council for Mass Media (hereinafter Council) by raising awareness of the Council and its activities and by paying the costs accrued from the maintenance of its activities. The Council mentioned in these rules was founded on 10 December 1968 through a jointly signed agreement by the following unions: Aikakauslehtien Liitto (Finnish Periodical Publishers Association), Paikallislehtien Liitto (currently part of News Media Finland), Suomen Aikakauslehdentoimittajain Liitto (currently part of the Union of Journalists in Finland), Radio- ja televisiotoimittajien liitto (Radio and Television Journalists’ Union), Sanomalehtien Liitto (currently News Media Finland), Suomen Sanomalehtimiesten Liitto (currently Union of Journalists in Finland) and Yleisradio. According to the agreement, the general task of the Council is to cultivate responsible freedom of speech and support good journalistic practice. For the purpose of fulfilling its task, the Council, by means of decisions in and general statements concerning individual cases, interprets good journalistic practice and the rights and obligations of journalists.

3 § In order to realise its purpose, the Association can publish studies and annual reports on the Council’s activities and related publishing ethics, as well as organise, for example, press conferences and meetings aimed at making the public aware of the Council’s operational principles and the services it provides. For the purpose of its activities, the Association can procure and receive as well as possess and manage fixed and movable property.

4 § The Association can accept as a member any organisation with legal capacity operating within the field of mass media that is unanimously approved by the Association meeting. A member has the right to leave the Association by notifying the Board or its chairperson of the matter in writing or by stating the intention to resign at an Association meeting for inclusion in the meeting minutes.

5 § The Board of the Association is comprised of the chairperson and two other members elected by the autumn meeting. The term of the Board is one calendar year. The Board has a quorum when at least two of its members are present. The Board shall elect a vice chairperson from among its members.

6 § The right to sign for the Association is granted to the chairperson, vice chairperson or secretary, always two together.

7§ The accounting period of the Association is one calendar year. The Association’s accounts must be presented to the auditors at least four weeks before the spring meeting.

8 § The Association holds two general meetings per year. The Association’s spring meeting is held during March–May and the autumn meeting during October–November on the days specified by the Board.

The general spring meeting of the Association shall deal with the following matters:

1. Opening of meeting: Election of the chairperson, secretary and two examiners of the minutes for the meeting. Confirmation of the meeting as legally convened with the required quorum and approval of the rules of procedure.
2. Presentation of the Association’s accounts, the Council’s annual report and the statement of the auditors as well as the decision concerning the approval of the accounts and exemption of liability granted to those considered accountable.
3. Discussion of other matters listed on the agenda.

The general autumn meeting of the Association shall deal with the following matters:

1. Opening of meeting: Selection of the chairperson, secretary and two examiners of the minutes for the meeting. Confirmation of the meeting as legally convened with the required quorum and approval of the rules of procedure.
2. Election of the chairperson and two other members of the Board for the next term.
3. Election of two official auditors and their deputy auditors.
4. Decision on the estimated revenue and expenditure and the rate of the joining and membership fees.
5. Discussion on other matters listed on the agenda.

The general meetings constitute a quorum when members have been invited to them in accordance with these rules. Upon the decision of the Board of the Association, members can participate in the Association meeting by remote connection in the manner stated in the provisions of the Associations Act.

9 § Members shall be notified and invited by letter to general meetings and other meetings of the Association at least one week prior to the meeting. Every ordinary member of the association has one vote in the meeting.

10 § If the Association is dissolved, its assets shall be used to support the activities of the Association in the manner specified by the Association’s final meeting.

11 § Otherwise, the valid Associations Act shall be applicable.

12 § Acquired membership rights shall be retained.